martes, 9 de junio de 2015

ICT Noebook 15 Activity 5

Notebook 15 Activity

In this activities two maps (European and American) are shown on the IWB and students have to write on the IWB main differences between both societies next to the correct map (American characteristics on American map). 
Then, whole class activity:
Comment on them
Why are these differences so significative?
Why are so big difference among two societies?
Which one do you prefer?


Communication skills:

ICT Audio edited Activity 4

Community song-Citizen song

(Firstly, I have edited it using Audacity. Then I have shared it with Spreaker)


I am a citizen of my society
And I participate in my community
I do my part, I keep it clean
I make this world a better place for you and me

I love my neighbor, I treat them good
I show respect and dignity like I should
I love my family, I follow all the rules
I take responsibility for what I need to do

There’s so much going on around me
Sometimes I think that it is all about me
Then I look around and see what’s in front of me
It’s you, and me, we help others in need

I do all I can to make this world a better place
Show respect to my neighbor and to the whole human race
Citizenship is who I am, everything that I do
I take care of the environment, how about you?

Human race
Activity: Listening
This is a filling the gaps activity. Students will hear the song, which talks about well habits for being a citizen and they will fill the gap with the provided words. Highlighted word will disappeared for them (students will have them below the song, to read and choose the correct one, this way is easier).
Afterwards: Sing the song all together

-          Citizenship

-          Communicative skills: Listening, Reading and writing

ICT Web 2.0 application Voki Activity 3

CLICK here to see my Voki

For this Voki I have designed an original and attractive character for children: It is Mr.McCookie. All my activities are oriented to be developed with young children; (8 years old students) so this cartoon character is going to motivate them to start working and I have thought of have it present though the activities in order to solve students' doubts and to guide them.For the presentation I have only prepare the presentation of Mr.McCookie, not any example of problem solving.

viernes, 5 de junio de 2015

ICT Video edited Activity 2


In this video three different situations to compare are shown:
Situation 1:
Girl stealing in a shop VS Girl paying the item in a shop

Situation 2:
Girl throwing rubbish away VS Girl using the bin

Situation 3:
Girl who laugh at another one who has felt to the ground VS Girl who help

Activity: Freezing video. After each situation teacher will stop the video and children write down their ideas comparing both situation:
·         Reflect on them
·         Which is the correct one? Why?
·         Which are the main differences between them?
·         Which one is better for you community? Why?
All answers are allowed but they have to be well reasoned with logical arguments.
Afterwards: All the ideas will be put in common, share opinions and a small whole class debate.
-          Citizenship
Communicative skills: Writing, listening and speaking

ICT Video edited Activity 1


This uploaded video is an example of a project to be done by students. It has been created by children from EEUU and the idea is to do something similar, following the same steps but creating/reaching our own conclusion:
The video talks about the current situation of the world, as everybody knows, it is not very “nice” so it suggests some options:
1)    Complain about it
2)    Have a lot of money
3)    Be loud and yell a lot
4)    Make loud of everything
5)    Let smarter people do it
6)    Ignore everything
7)    Be famous and cool
8)    Be powerful
a.    Mayor
b.    Senator
c.    President
After enumerating these options, students reflect on it:
·         They are the easiest ones
·         They are not solutions
·         Nonsense
Students will realise: “WORLD CHANGE DEPENDS ON YOU”
Nonetheless, we must keep realistic; develop critical and real thinking by observing in an objective way. Students are going to become able to make judgements and be aware about the fact that: “There are a lot of arguments to be pessimistic and think that it is impossible to change the world: kids are hungry, people are homeless, unhappy families...”
·         “Things don’t have to be the way they are”
·         “World is changed by ordinary people”
After following these steps and performing them in the video, as the main character does, students are going to look for their own conclusions. 
Students will finish the video showing their SOLUTION TO CHANGE THE WORLD.

Activity: During this activity children will work both on citizenship contents and new technologies resources.
- Citizenship
- Communicative skills: Listening, speaking, writing (write their script)
Recording resources, edit videos,etc. 
iPad to be able to record as many time as it would be necessary to have a perfect result.

jueves, 28 de mayo de 2015




This unit has been created for students from middle courses of Primary Education, second cycle, specifically for the fourth course of Primary. Usually students of that age have a basic level of English (their knowledge and competences could be classified inside an A1 or A2 level) and they are starting to get in contact with the outside world, discovering new things and feeling part of their society.
For these reasons, activities have been designed to integrate the development of their four communicative skills on A2 level and their knowledge and competences about citizenship and being part of a society (how to behave, social rules, public places, how to manage in different daily situations, etc).
This way, activities are going to be realistic and pragmatic, context embedded and with a specific purpose. Children will be able to apply the knowledge and competences acquired at the end of the unit in their daily life, gaining a meaningful and useful learning; this is one of the main objectives.


These activities are going to be worked in an interdisciplinary way, so that three different subjects are going to be related:
·         Citizenship
·         Geography (knowing and discovering the environment)
·         English

·         Develop speaking, listening, reading and writing skills in target language (English).
·         Use language skill in an accurate and appropriate way, being adapted to the context and situation.
·         Develop emotional, communicative and social skills to perform in an autonomous way in their daily life situations and in an active way in group relationships.
·         Know and appreciate the cohabitation rules and act according to them.
·         Know the fundamentals working mechanisms of democratic societies and appreciate the public services role and their obligations as citizens for the common good of the society.
·         Recognize and appreciate the fact of being part of a social and cultural group with its own characteristics.
·         Know the traffic rules and assume a responsible behavior as a pedestrian and future driver.
·         Interpret, express and represent facts, concepts and process of the natural, social and cultural environment through numeric codes, graphs and others.

·         Space orientation: cardinal points.
·         Use of neighborhood and local maps.
·         Different ways to relate and communicate with members of a community.
·         Cohabitation rules.
·         Be responsible of following the rules as a pedestrian and as a “client” of public services.
·         Appreciate the importance of public services.
·         Know how to use public services.
·         Civic and social values in a democratic society.
·         Application of civic and social values.


  • ·     Formative assessment

o   Ongoing correction in classroom.
o   Assessment of communicative skills.

  • ·         Summative assessment (with some specific and more challenging activities, one of each skill)

o   Test activity:
o   Specific vocabulary
o   Specific content




Activity 1
The best citizenship dictionary
Students will collect a useful grammar and vocabulary list in their notebooks. This is the basic and predetermined dictionary, but it can be getting bigger as the unit continues and different situations require more vocabulary and structures.

Producing and revising useful structures such as:
“I go to school by car/by train/by bus/ by bicycle” (I GO BY…)
“I would like to have/to order/to buy/to eat…” (TO ORDER, ASK FOR SOMETHING)
“Thanks you”
“Do you need help” “Shall I help you” “Would you like…” (OFFER THEIR HELP)

Activity 2
I am a real citizen
Conversing and describing different vial situations: ROLE PLAY
·         Buying in the supermarket
·         Asking for an address
·         Asking for help in the street
·         Eating in a restaurant
·         Travelling y bus, underground, train:
o   Buy the ticket, ask for a sit, deal with other passengers, problems (if they would have it), let your sit to an older person…

ü  Materials: To create a more realistic atmosphere, teacher or children themselves can carry already used bus/train/underground/cinema tickets; basic restaurant menus can be created previously, bills…

Activity 3
What can we do?
·         What should you do if you get lost in the street?
·         What shouldn’t you do if you get lost in the street?
·         What can we do to prevent/avoid getting lost in the street?

·         What should we do if we meet someone who is in trouble?
·         How can we help this person?

Activity 1    
Where are you?
Listening to conversations represented by classmates:
-       Small groups of threes: Each group is going to be provided with a script
-       Students have to perform (make creative gestures) and speak loud and clearly.
-       Classmates listen to them: guess in which situation are them.

·         Conversation in different situations
o   In the street:
§  Policeman and a citizen (giving explanations or commands)
§  Asking for an address
o   At public transport: Bus driver and bus passenger
o   At the supermarket or shopping center: Shop attendant and a client
o   At a restaurant: Waiter/Waitress and costumer
·         Guess which situation is each situation:
o   Vocabulary
o   What are they saying
o   Situation

Activity 2
Remember how to be a good citizen and sing!

I am a citizen of my society
And I participate in my community
I do my part, I keep it clean
I make this world a better place for you and me

I love my neighbor, I treat them good
I show respect and dignity like I should
I love my family, I follow all the rules
I take responsibility for what I need to do

There’s so much going on around me
Sometimes I think that it is all about me
Then I look around and see what’s in front of me
It’s you, and me, we help others in need

I do all I can to make this world a better place
Show respect to my neighbor and to the whole human race
Citizenship is who I am, everything that I do
I take care of the environment, how about you?

Activity 3
Where is the person going?
Listening to the indications, follow them and go through the map:
o   Where is the starting point?
o   Where is the final point?
o   Which route did you follow?
§  Through which points, streets and buildings have you just passed?

Activity 1
What does it mean?
Reading traffic rules interpret traffic signals:

First link shows a traffic signal information poster. Students have one minute to memorize it or make a significant relationship between the signal, its color and each definition.
After that minute they are going to be provided with this second sheet. They have to complete it: Relate each signal with its signification and each signal color with its own signification too.

            In the following map, put any of the previous signals wherever they were necessary.

Activity 2
Where am I? Where Is it?

Using ICT:
Students will have this map of a village in the UK, they have all the streets and interesting points of the place. Teacher will say different places and they will have to go through the village and the list of streets looking for it.

Activity 3
A good citizen

Reading about a model of a good citizen:
 Nelson Mandela and his story
Power point with Nelson Mandela’s life and history: Links to many videos and additional information.

Activity 1
I have great responsibilities

- Individually: Show some flashcards with some images
·         Overflow landfill
·         Starving and poor people
·         Dirty landscapes: beaches, country, cities…
·         Smokers and cancer
·         Violence: Bullying
·         Racism

-Write a short composition (40 words)
- Do you consider these entire situations your responsibility being a citizen? Are you concern on them?
Why? Why not?

Activity 2
Good o Bad?

-Teacher gives out one set of the citizen cards to each of the students. The students should separate the cards into who they think is good and who they think is a bad citizen (They are all famous people, students know them). 
Once they have separated people into the two groups they have to write explanations and reasons.”Why is he/she a good/bad citizen?”
They should be prepared to explain their choices.

Activity 3

After having worked on many aspects of their village/town/city students have some time at the beginning of the lesson to reflect on their own city situation. Is it OK? Does my city/town/village need any additional change?

Choose between two new designs:
1.    Create a new traffic signal to indicate something new, to help people understand better any confusing traffic rule or to help them in any danger place of your city, etc.
2.    Create a new public service/place for citizens if they are lack of something, etc.
(Short explanation and a picture will be required)

Whole class activity
“Create our own society”

Students will have to take these points into consideration:
o   Interpersonal relationships
§  Human rights
§  Ways of relate with the others
§  Greetings:     
·         How to say hello/Thank you/Please/Goodbye/…
§  Meetings
§  Events and celebrations (birthdays, weddings…)
o   Life in community
§  Basic cohabitation rules:
·         Tolerance, respect…(maybe is not necessary or students have thought about other principles…)
§  Type of families
§  Type of schools
§  Type of culture
§  Type of village/town/city
§  Culture
§  Jobs
o   Life in society
§  Public services
§  Social rules
§  Common goods
Whole class together will write a composition and description of their new society, give it a new name and draw and illustrating picture.
ü  All ideas are allowed and accepted if they are supported with reason. Everyone has to participle
ü  Final result can be totally opposite to our real society

PERFORMANCE: Small sketch showing this characteristics of their of society