martes, 9 de junio de 2015

ICT Noebook 15 Activity 5

Notebook 15 Activity

In this activities two maps (European and American) are shown on the IWB and students have to write on the IWB main differences between both societies next to the correct map (American characteristics on American map). 
Then, whole class activity:
Comment on them
Why are these differences so significative?
Why are so big difference among two societies?
Which one do you prefer?


Communication skills:

ICT Audio edited Activity 4

Community song-Citizen song

(Firstly, I have edited it using Audacity. Then I have shared it with Spreaker)


I am a citizen of my society
And I participate in my community
I do my part, I keep it clean
I make this world a better place for you and me

I love my neighbor, I treat them good
I show respect and dignity like I should
I love my family, I follow all the rules
I take responsibility for what I need to do

There’s so much going on around me
Sometimes I think that it is all about me
Then I look around and see what’s in front of me
It’s you, and me, we help others in need

I do all I can to make this world a better place
Show respect to my neighbor and to the whole human race
Citizenship is who I am, everything that I do
I take care of the environment, how about you?

Human race
Activity: Listening
This is a filling the gaps activity. Students will hear the song, which talks about well habits for being a citizen and they will fill the gap with the provided words. Highlighted word will disappeared for them (students will have them below the song, to read and choose the correct one, this way is easier).
Afterwards: Sing the song all together

-          Citizenship

-          Communicative skills: Listening, Reading and writing

ICT Web 2.0 application Voki Activity 3

CLICK here to see my Voki

For this Voki I have designed an original and attractive character for children: It is Mr.McCookie. All my activities are oriented to be developed with young children; (8 years old students) so this cartoon character is going to motivate them to start working and I have thought of have it present though the activities in order to solve students' doubts and to guide them.For the presentation I have only prepare the presentation of Mr.McCookie, not any example of problem solving.

viernes, 5 de junio de 2015

ICT Video edited Activity 2


In this video three different situations to compare are shown:
Situation 1:
Girl stealing in a shop VS Girl paying the item in a shop

Situation 2:
Girl throwing rubbish away VS Girl using the bin

Situation 3:
Girl who laugh at another one who has felt to the ground VS Girl who help

Activity: Freezing video. After each situation teacher will stop the video and children write down their ideas comparing both situation:
·         Reflect on them
·         Which is the correct one? Why?
·         Which are the main differences between them?
·         Which one is better for you community? Why?
All answers are allowed but they have to be well reasoned with logical arguments.
Afterwards: All the ideas will be put in common, share opinions and a small whole class debate.
-          Citizenship
Communicative skills: Writing, listening and speaking

ICT Video edited Activity 1


This uploaded video is an example of a project to be done by students. It has been created by children from EEUU and the idea is to do something similar, following the same steps but creating/reaching our own conclusion:
The video talks about the current situation of the world, as everybody knows, it is not very “nice” so it suggests some options:
1)    Complain about it
2)    Have a lot of money
3)    Be loud and yell a lot
4)    Make loud of everything
5)    Let smarter people do it
6)    Ignore everything
7)    Be famous and cool
8)    Be powerful
a.    Mayor
b.    Senator
c.    President
After enumerating these options, students reflect on it:
·         They are the easiest ones
·         They are not solutions
·         Nonsense
Students will realise: “WORLD CHANGE DEPENDS ON YOU”
Nonetheless, we must keep realistic; develop critical and real thinking by observing in an objective way. Students are going to become able to make judgements and be aware about the fact that: “There are a lot of arguments to be pessimistic and think that it is impossible to change the world: kids are hungry, people are homeless, unhappy families...”
·         “Things don’t have to be the way they are”
·         “World is changed by ordinary people”
After following these steps and performing them in the video, as the main character does, students are going to look for their own conclusions. 
Students will finish the video showing their SOLUTION TO CHANGE THE WORLD.

Activity: During this activity children will work both on citizenship contents and new technologies resources.
- Citizenship
- Communicative skills: Listening, speaking, writing (write their script)
Recording resources, edit videos,etc. 
iPad to be able to record as many time as it would be necessary to have a perfect result.